When you take a pregnancy test, you want a clear, definitive answer about whether or not you’re pregnant, but what if you receive mixed results? Which result do you trust, the positive or the negative result?
Keep reading to learn more about pregnancy testing, and visit Alpha Omega Center for no-cost pregnancy testing and an ultrasound to find out with certainty.
Pregnancy Tests: A Snapshot in Time
Every time you take a pregnancy test, the test looks for the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which begins to build in your urine or blood after implantation.
If the test detects hCG, you will receive a positive result. If it doesn’t, you will receive a negative result. As long as the control line (the second line that appears on every test) is apparent, the test is working and will provide an accurate result for that moment in time.
Does the pregnancy test result mean that it will stay positive or negative? Maybe, or maybe not. Much of this depends on pregnancy test timing or whether or not a loss could have occurred. Here are a few examples of mixed results and what they mean.
A Negative Result and then a Positive Result
If you receive a negative result at first but then a second test is positive a few days or weeks later, you are likely pregnant.
It takes about 10-11 days after conception for tests to detect hCG in urine. This timing means if you receive a negative test result followed by a positive result, you could have taken the test too early, or an early test returned a false-negative result.
Even early tests become more accurate as you approach your missed period. Once you miss your period, your pregnancy test will be more dependable. However, it’s always best to confirm with an ultrasound to be sure.
A Positive Result and then a Negative Result
If you began with a positive result and then received a negative result later on, you may have experienced a chemical pregnancy.
A chemical pregnancy is an early pregnancy loss that occurs before the fifth week of pregnancy. Some women may not notice they have ever had a chemical pregnancy since it happens so early.
It’s also possible that you’re experiencing another health condition that has caused your hCG levels to fluctuate.
Verify Your Results
Pregnancy tests only tell a part of the story; an ultrasound can provide critical details to verify your pregnancy. It will determine if the pregnancy is progressing inside the uterus and how far along you are to help you plan your next steps.
Schedule a free and confidential appointment at Alpha Omega Center today. If your pregnancy test result is positive, we will provide a complimentary ultrasound. We’re here to help you find out for sure and understand your options.