If you’re reading this, you may be struggling with an unplanned pregnancy and be concerned you are not ready to parent your baby.
You now have abortion and adoption to consider. While the two options have many differences, they have one thing in common: they will both change your life. Either one will become a part of your story, so make sure you’re confident before picking one or the other.
How Do I Consider My Options?
The best way to consider your pregnancy options is to first gather all the information you need. At Alpha Omega Center, we can provide you with accurate information and resources to help you evaluate every option.
Next, you will want to ask yourself hard questions. Picture your life after choosing each option. This isn’t a life decision you can overthink. Seek to feel at peace before moving ahead.
Questions to Consider Regarding Abortion
Abortion is a serious medical procedure that comes with side effects and risks. There are two types of abortion: medical (abortion pill) and surgical. The abortion procedure will depend on the age of the pregnancy.
Here are a few questions to ask yourself before choosing abortion.
Am I comfortable with abortion being part of my story?
Am I comfortable with the risks and side effects of abortion?
How will I feel emotionally after abortion?
Is this my decision, or am I feeling pressured?
How will my life change after choosing abortion?
Questions to Consider Regarding Adoption
Adoption is much different than abortion, as you will carry your pregnancy to term. If you choose this option, you’ll need to work with an adoption agency to create an adoption plan. In this plan, you can set your terms and choose the adoptive family. It will be completely up to you, and generally, costs will be taken care of by the adoptive family.
Here are a few questions to ask yourself before choosing adoption.
Am I comfortable with adoption being part of my story?
Am I comfortable with the risks of carrying a pregnancy to term?
How will I feel emotionally after adoption?
Would I want to have a relationship with my child?
How do I feel about another family raising my child?
Is this my decision, or am I feeling pressured?
How will my life change after choosing adoption?
Only You Can Decide
This decision is 100% up to you. You have the final say. Make sure to learn about every option and answer the hard questions before you choose your path. Schedule a free and confidential appointment to discuss information, options, and resources with our caring staff.
You’re not alone! We’re here to be a resource for you.