If you have had sex, whether or not you used a condom or other form of protection, you may have an STD/STI. An STD/STI is a sexually transmitted disease or infection. This is an infection that you typically will only get from oral, anal, or vaginal sex.
What Are STD/STIs?
There are many types of STD/STIs and some are more serious than others. According to data from the CDC, 1 in 2 people will contract an STI in their lifetime. Some STD/STIs can be cured with medication, others can be managed with medication and/or lifestyle changes but will last a lifetime.
Any STD/STI left untreated may cause health problems for you and could infect your partners. It is important to be tested to know for sure.
Pregnancy & STD/STIs
STD/STIs are very common among sexually active populations and testing should be considered a routine part of your healthcare. This is especially needed if you’re pregnant and considering abortion. You may be infected without experiencing any symptoms. This could mean you are unknowingly spreading STD/STIs to your partner(s) and leaving a dangerous health condition untreated.
The Mayo Clinic shares that untreated STDs/STIs can come with severe risks, such as damage to internal organs, cancer, fertility issues, and other fatal diseases. If you’re pregnant and are considering abortion or other options, you should get STD testing and treatment right away to avoid spreading the infection to other reproductive organs or facing fertility issues in the future.
Should I Get Tested?
Yes. Some people experience STD/STI symptoms and some none at all. It’s vital that you confirm this even if you are not experiencing any signs right now. At Alpha Omega Center, we provide you free STD/STI testing and treatment to be sure.
We will simply need a urine sample to test you for chlamydia and gonorrhea, two of the most common STD/STIs. If you receive a positive test result, we will treat you for free and refer you for a full STD/STI screening. If you receive a negative result we will let you know and we can also talk about ways to eliminate your risk for STD/STIs in the future.
There is no cost to you or your insurance. If you’ve already been diagnosed with an STD/STI and have questions, you can call and schedule an appointment with a member of our medical team to get your questions answered and learn about healthy living.
Don’t wait or worry any longer. Schedule your free appointment with us today.