Are you facing an unplanned pregnancy? Perhaps you did not intend to become pregnant. Or, maybe you thought it might be nice to have a baby but things didn’t work out with the father. Your job might be at risk, you may be concerned about losing your figure, or you might just not be interested in being a mother at this time.
All of these circumstances could lead you to consider abortion. In fact, sometimes when faced with an unexpected or unwanted pregnancy, abortion seems like the only answer.
Before making an appointment for an abortion, however, it’s important to consider your decision carefully. Some questions to ask yourself are:
Am I 100% sure I’m pregnant?
If I am, am I sure that the pregnancy is progressing normally?
These two questions are best answered with an ultrasound scan. While rare, there are conditions other than pregnancy that can cause an elevated level of hCG. Further, many pregnancies miscarry in the first few weeks. You may see a positive result on a pregnancy test but not have a viable pregnancy. More concerning, the pregnancy could be located somewhere other than your uterus (such as in a fallopian tube). This could be very dangerous for you.
Further, before making a permanent decision such as an abortion, you owe it to yourself to gather all of the information you can. You may think, “I just need to get this over with” or, “I don’t want to think about it too much.” If this is your reaction you may find that you will regret your abortion decision later when more information comes to light. Any uncertainty on your part should cause you to stop, consider, and do more research.
Another question to ask yourself when considering abortion is why you’re seeking an abortion. This may sound silly, but it’s important to isolate the reasons for your decision to make sure that they have merit. Perhaps you’re worried about your job, but most (if not all) jobs have policies about maternity leave and allow you to adjust your duties to protect yourself and your unborn child. Perhaps you’re afraid your partner will leave you. Have you talked to him about the possibility of pregnancy? His answers may surprise you. If he does threaten to leave you, you may want to consider whether you want to be in a relationship with someone who would abandon you and their own unborn child.
A common concern expectant mothers have is whether or not they will be able to continue their education. While it may be more challenging to juggle school and a child, it isn’t impossible. Many women have children while still in school and go on to finish their education.
You might be thinking, I don’t need a good reason. Abortion is legal and I don’t want to be pregnant and I don’t want a baby. I can have an abortion now and live my life, later I might have children when I am ready.
While abortion is legal, there is great debate on whether it is a good and ethical choice. Many women, and their partners, experience grief and regret after an abortion decision – sometimes for decades after the procedure occurs.
Before making a permanent, and possibly life-altering, decision like abortion you owe it to yourself to gather all of the information. Contact Alpha Omega Center today to make an appointment for a free pregnancy test and ultrasound. Someone will meet with you and help you work through your options so you know you’ve made the right choice.