When you think you might be pregnant, waiting to take a pregnancy test can feel like an eternity.

The temptation with home pregnancy tests is to take them way too early. Even though the box instructions might say to wait until a missed period for the most accurate result, some may try to see if they can get an answer sooner.

Before running out to stock up on home pregnancy tests, consider some of the risks of relying on home tests alone.

The Risks of Depending on Home Tests Alone

While home pregnancy tests are generally very accurate, there are some reasons why the result could be inaccurate or not tell the whole story.


As noted above, home pregnancy tests require proper timing for accuracy. If you take them before a missed period, there’s always a chance of a false-negative test result.

User Error

If you take the pregnancy test incorrectly, you could also receive a false result. To ensure accuracy, you must follow all the instructions and wait to read the result at a designated time.

Rare Cases

Pregnancy tests work by detecting the level of the hormone hCG in urine or blood. In rare cases, too much hCG can trigger a false-negative result. This situation could happen if you are pregnant with multiples, have a molar pregnancy, or are farther along in your pregnancy (though this would be unlikely due to the expected hCG levels).

Also, an ectopic pregnancy, a type of nonviable pregnancy, can give a positive result, but it will still go undetected by a pregnancy test, threatening a woman’s health.

Pregnancy Loss

Because pregnancy tests work by detecting hCG, they can show a positive result in some cases of pregnancy loss. It takes time for hCG to decline to undetectable levels.

Confirm Your Pregnancy with an Ultrasound

An ultrasound is the only way to determine whether or not your pregnancy has a heartbeat and is progressing inside the uterus.

Confirm your pregnancy at one of our center locations in Slippery Rock or New Castle at Alpha Omega Center. Our limited obstetric ultrasounds can give you vital information as you consider your next steps.

Schedule your free appointment today!